America had a birthday. It was a New Moon. As an American astrologer, I was excited about that. A new start, a fresh perspective, I thought. In Cancer, the sign of Mom, home and apple pie. A woman is running for President. Maybe she’ll win. That would be something new. Probably a better something new than a man who’s never engaged in the process of enacting laws by any means other than contributing to politicians.
This week in America, the news was the “same old, same old” – or worse. The woman, who isn’t known for being tremendously trustworthy and who’s been under attack for decades, was cleared of intentional wrong-doing in a situation still riddled with question marks. Even though no known harm has apparently resulted directly (as yet, at least) from her actions, there are outraged citizens and the witch hunt continues, now focused on skewering those who didn’t skewer her
We had just recently been having a national conversation – heated of course – about guns, the Second Amendment, reasonable background checks, and maybe even re-instituting the lapsed ban on assault weapons. (The Governor of California signed just such a law in that progressive state.) I don’t oppose the right to have a gun. Like the Founding Fathers, I’m all for anyone who wants a musket to have one. Go ahead and carry it openly. Load little ball bullets one at a time with a ramrod. Keep your powder dry. Note: they did not say an individual should own a cannon.
Meanwhile, death haunted the headlines nearly daily, well, three days in a row. White cops kill a black man in Baton Rouge. White cops kill an Hispanic man in St. Paul. Their violations in no way warranted the over-reactions that resulted in their violent demise. The capper was an over-the-top over-reactive counter-attack on white cops by a black sniper during a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest. All the killing was done with guns.
Americans love their guns! The Wild West, cowboys and Indians, all our “heroic” wars fought with guns. Crime shows on TV, action adventures in the movies all featuring guns. Kids don’t want to learn how to throw a knife or shoot a bow and arrow. They play violent video games about killing with guns. Maybe soon that will be superseded with virtual drone attack video games. Better preparation for future wars.
It occurs to me that we speak incessantly about fighting. Even in sports. Fight, fight, fight. Fighting for our political beliefs, fighting for our rights, fighting for freedom, fighting for a better life. That strikes me as oxymoronic. Or perhaps just plain moronic. But that term is politically insensitive to morons. People are even fighting against being “politically correct,” a stance which really just means being mature and respectful of others’ rights. But, oh, if that steps on your sense of entitlement, well, then, that’s a bad thing.
When the USA was “born” (July 4, 1776) Mars, the fighting and war planet, was bumping heads with (as yet undiscovered but already operative) Neptune, the planet of symbolism, idealization, worship and delusion. We glorify fighting, we believe in fighting. Might makes right. We’re the police force for the world. The greatest military (industrial complex) ever known to man. Plenty enough nuclear warheads to destroy our planet many times over. Oh, don’t forgot how testosterone-laden and phallic Mars, weapons and war are, how deeply embedded in our animal primitive brainstem killing is. The fight or flight instinct. For survival. The USA was born of war. Live by fighting; die by fighting.
Fighting is no longer conducive to survival. The new paradigm for the New Age is cooperation rather than competition. Two Great Ages earlier (2,000-4,000+ years ago) was the Age of Aries and the Peloponnesian Wars, with the development of metallurgy and better means of fighting (swords and shields). Then 2,000 years ago came the Age of Pisces, which could have – and probably should have – delivered a more feminine energy, with empathy and understanding, abiding by the Golden Rule and the Christian tenet to love your enemy, love your neighbor as yourself. But we continued to war, especially relishing religious wars. “My god’s better than your god.” Perhaps in the Age of Aquarius, we’ll only have wars of words. Air signs are all about thought and communication. Aquarius is the sign of the masses, the people, friendship and the community. It’s much more androgynous than Aries. We’re all trans-gendering in a way.
At our birthday in 2016, we’re 240 years old, still in battle mode. Perhaps we’ll hit a turning point. Planets at one’s birthday show the promise for the coming year. Mars is traveling through Scorpio, the sign of extremes, death, resurrection, and transformation. It sits at the apex of a strange triangle called a Finger of God that brings a divine detour of odd twists and turns en route to an ultimate destination different from that intended but more in tune with destiny. The base of the triangle is formed by the country’s natal Mars in Gemini (the sign of ideas and conversations, learning, neighbors, siblings, brotherhood) being stimulated by a volatile combination in Aries (the sign ruled by Mars and related to survival, aggression, action, speed). Throughout this year, Uranus (planet of shocks and surprises, rebellion and revolution) travels hand-in-hand with the mighty little dwarf planet Eris, the bitchy sister of Mars. She loves a good fight. She kicks butt and stands up for independence like nobody’s business. Perhaps Eris will call forth her sisters to fight to end fighting. Oh, let me re-state that. ADVOCATE to end fighting. You can’t fight to end fighting. That’s oxymoronic.
I’ve called 2016 the “year of strong women” because of the Uranus-Eris pairing. We could have a woman President. And lots of men (and women) could fight against her; no doubt they will. But she’ll likely advocate for less fighting overall and more cooperation. Or we could choose a guy whose Sun (leadership, ego, pride, self-promotion) is in Gemini just one degree from the USA’s Mars. We can police the planet, and fight one another, and fight fight fight all around the world, with tough talk (one of Mars in Gemini’s favorite (lower) expressions) and lots of guns. And many more weeks like this one in America.
Maybe we’ll surprise ourselves and change the pattern. That’s where the Finger of God points, to Scorpio’s options. Transform or die.