With the New York Governor in the news daily responding to the Covid-19 crisis in his state, astrologers are clamoring to know his chart. Whereas many famous people have a birth time publicly available, Andrew Cuomo does not. His date is readily obtainable: Dec. 6, 1957, and we know he was born in New York City. I set myself the daunting task to try to figure it out, based on known events and key people in his life. What I came up with is Capricorn Rising at a time of 8:35 AM. Shortly after settling on this, I came across an astrology podcast where the host, astrologer Bill Attride, fed about 40 events into a computer program that suggests a likely rising sign and chart. It was remarkably similar to what I had found, also with Capricorn Rising (15 minutes later than my proposed time). If you would like to get into the weeds with me, here is my summary of what I researched, the techniques I used, and his resulting chart: