Welcome to the intriguing universe of astrology! The more you learn, the more you find there is to learn. Even after decades of study, I’m still discovering new ideas and information all the time. Whether you are new to astrology or old friends with the subject, you’ll find something of value here!
There is a section with Beginner Topics and another with Advanced Topics for those who have more knowledge of the subject. The Articles may be of interest to anyone, along with the free download PDFs of the Astrologer’s Apprentice Cheat Sheet and the current On a Page graphs. In the Media Booth, there’s a page with PODCASTS that you can hear for free.
The field of astrology is almost as vast as a sky full of stars! Don’t let that intimidate you. Here’s an analogy I often present in lectures to the public as a framework for understanding astrology. You’re familiar with the regular deck of playing cards: 52 cards in four suits of 1 through 10 and the face cards. There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of games that can be played with a deck of cards. Each time the cards are dealt, they come up in a unique combination. There’s never an exact repetition. Astrology has its basic components similar to the numbers, faces and suits of the card deck. They get shuffled differently in each chart. Once you learn the basics, the rest is just evaluating the myriad combinations of how the hands are dealt.
When I began teaching astrology, I vowed to give out excellent handouts since I had had to take such copious notes in the courses I’d attended. Some nights after class, my hand felt like falling off! I wanted to get down every word. Much of what you’ll find in this Study Booth stems from my handouts from classes and lectures.
From time to time, I offer classes via conference call. These will be announced on this website, on the Astrology Booth Facebook page (become a follower!) and in my newsletters. I hope you sign up for them!
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