What You Can (and Cannot) Do Without a Birth Time
Astrological Considerations that are NOT birth-time specific:
- distribution of planets for personality type (bowl, locomotive, bundle, etc.)*
- breakdown of elements and qualities*
- lunar phase and associated personality type*
- interplanetary aspects and their patterns (T-squares, grand trines, etc.), except you won’t know the level of the Moon’s involvement
- declinations of the planets (look for parallels, contraparallels and “out of bounds”)
- solar houses [the Sun at the Ascendant with houses each 30° in size and each beginning with the degree of the Sun]
* may be affected somewhat because precise Moon position is not known
Things you can still do as long as you give some “leeway”:
- solar arc aspects between planets
- secondary progressed planets and aspects (other than the Moon’s)
- planetary midpoints (particularly important if in hard aspect to natal planets)
- transiting aspects (especially pay attention to station degrees and eclipse degrees)
- synastry (you won’t have the DESC, Vertex or house rulers, but you can use planets)
- Sabian Symbols for planet locations (they can sometimes help you figure out the Moon’s degree)
Things you really cannot do well without a birth time:
- house rulerships
- aspects to angles, angularity of planets, angular/succeedent/cadent house breakdown
- secondary progressed moon/lunar phases (can calculate “rough” ages of phases)
- solar returns (can look at planets but not Moon or houses), using solar houses for a solar return chart similar to a solar house natal chart
Non-astrological (and unscientific) “tricks” to guess birth time:
- use a pendulum to “dowse” the birth time
- ask person what time of day seems to be best for him/her; numerology suggests that one’s power time is 12 off from the birth time
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