The beautiful full moon never fails to enchant us, its round face as inscrutable as the Mona Lisa’s. It beams down on our planet far and wide. At a lunar eclipse, it’s ensconced in earth’s shadow (even though not from everyone’s viewpoint). What an incredible miracle that the size of our star and our satellite and their distances from us are such that one can obscure another, resulting in a momentary disappearing act. It’s hard to image if there is another life-supporting planet in a distant solar system that it experiences a similar eclipse phenomenon. How lucky we are to be on this spaceship earth and how careful we should be not to destroy its delicate balance.
Thinking of our planet as a spaceship reminds me of the Whole Earth Catalog, which was popular in 1968-1972, around the time of the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970. Earth Day is a chance to honor our Mother Earth and focus on her health and well-being. The first Earth Day came a day before a Full Moon, similar to this year when the Full Moon is on Earth Day. Both Mercury and Ceres are nearly exactly where they were 46 years ago at the first Earth Day. Mercury is getting ready to turn Retrograde on April 28 at 23-1/2 degrees of Taurus. In 1970, it turned Retrograde on April 28 at 22-12 degrees of Taurus. Ceres enters Aries April 11, 2016; in 1970, it entered Aries on April 14. A Mercury Retrograde turning point asks us to stop in our tracks and re-think and reflect on something; in Taurus, the focus is the material realm. Ceres is a dwarf planet named for the goddess fertility and harvest. In Aries, there’s excitement and enthusiasm to try something new or to make a change, planting new seeds. The original intent of Earth Day was to promote awareness of our environment and resources and to begin a new tradition of caring for our planet, both of which are in keeping with the pivoting Mercury in Taurus and Ceres newly in Aries. This year’s echo of those celestial influences signals an excellent time to re-commit to that noble goal.
Earth Day comes right around the beginning of the Sun’s passage through Taurus, a sign in the Earth element ruled by Venus, the planet named for the goddess of beauty and love. This is the time each year for appreciating all that we value and for reveling in our senses, enjoying the beautiful sights, sounds, smells and tastes of spring, a time for expressing affection through embraces. Taurus time always coincides with Mothers Day, too, when we honor the ones who gave us our lives.
One might hope that reverence for Earth, our Mother, would breed reverence for our brothers and sisters and fellow creatures and inhabitants, too. If only we could all care for one another the way a mother nurtures her children. But with the ISIS attack in Brussels on March 22, we’re reminded again of divisiveness and hatred, with the temptation to succumb to fear. The cure, of course, is inclusion and love. And for that, it helps to remember Spaceship Earth. We’re all in this boat together.
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