My work constitutes my best professional opinions. I always attempt to read charts with integrity and sensitivity. My forecasts are “best efforts” and are astrologically sound, but please realize that there is a multitude of potential manifestations for each component of astrology. Therefore, things may happen in your life that I did not mention in a reading. Or I might forecast something for a certain time period and nothing like it ends up happening. This does not mean I did not give you a professional-quality reading. Your future depends on many factors, foremost among them decisions that you make. If you make decisions based on counsel that I provide, you should do so only to the extent that you feel comfortable with them; they should ring true to you. It’s your life, and I can’t be responsible for your future. In any event, my liability is limited to the fee that you pay me. If you are unsatisfied with my work, you may state the reasons why in writing to me, and if they reflect shortcomings in my abilities or delivery, I will offer you a refund or a replacement reading.
I do my best to be sure your product is sent to you in a timely fashion. Products usually ship within a few days of receipt of order, however there may be occasions when delivery will take longer. In such a case, it is my intention to notify you and keep you apprised as to the status of your order. That said, if you experience an unexpected delay in receiving what you’ve ordered, please be in touch! I will check your order and do what I can to expedite it.
For my services, when you give me an assignment, I will let you know the likely time frame for its completion. I try to get back to you to schedule your work on my calendar within two business days. (The work or appointment isn’t promised in that time frame, though!) If you don’t hear back from me after three days, please give me a call or email me.
Sometimes an order or request gets “lost in the shuffle” so I count on you to speak up if the response seems slow to you. I won’t be offended hearing from you!
I maintain strict confidentiality of my work with my clients. (I sometimes jokingly call the consultation privacy “Vegas-what happens here, stays here.) If your life and chart exhibit an example I would like to use in my writing and/or teaching, I will ask your permission and keep your identity anonymous, if you so desire. (The same holds true if you provide a testimonial for me.) I keep my own records (at least at this point in time!); no secretary will be reading your personal information.
Information (such as names, email addresses or birth information) about visitors, customers or clients that I collect through this website or, for that matter, throughout my business in all venues, will be used solely by me for business purposes only. Names and email addresses may reside in an exterior server for purposes of my contact with you, but I will not share it with third parties for their marketing or research purposes. The only person who might possibly encounter any such information would be my very trusted website designer (and then only in the process of performing technical website assistance or maintenance). If I send you e-newsletters or notices, you can elect not to receive further notices by unsubscribing or replying for me to remove you from my list. If you use the shopping cart on this website, your email address will appear on your receipt and it is included in reports available only to me through the company(s) that connect with my shopping cart (at this time, PayPal), which use secure, encrypted technology. I do not see the credit card number you type into my website. Your privacy and identity integrity are of utmost importance to me and I handle them with the strictest confidentiality, which I also practice with regard to my contact and conversations with you. To the extent that I may be required by law to disclose something about you for some official purpose (and I can’t imagine why, or what, that would be!), of course I would have to comply. If there are ever any breaches in the security of your encrypted information, the liability lies on the part of the affiliated financial services company.
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