Many people have heard of Mercury Retrograde, the apparent backtrack of the planet of communication which lasts three weeks and occurs three times a year. Although it doesn’t happen as frequently, Venus also takes a backward step but for a longer time. About every year-and-a-half, Venus spends 40 days in reverse, opposite its normal forward motion through the zodiac. All planets are retrograde when they pass between earth and the Sun and are closest to us. During this time, they offer opportunities for a do-over in the conditions the planet represents. Venus is associated with two very important aspects of our lives: relationships and finances. It’s also the planet of affection and values. When it’s nearest the earth, we can draw more of the love it represents toward ourselves and work on our sense of self-worth.
In romance, it’s not uncommon for an old relationship to re-surface during a Venus Retrograde. If it’s not literally the same partner that returns, it might be someone reminiscent of a former lover. Or issues from past interactions repeat (even with the same partner) if we haven’t yet learned our lesson. This period is appropriate for clearing up financial matters or updating the valuation of your possessions.
This summer’s Venus Retrograde (July 25 – Sept. 6) takes place mostly in the sign of Leo, although it begins in the first (zero) degree of Virgo. The full time frame for Venus’s zigzag (including its forward motion through the degrees of its backtrack both before and after the actual reverse motion) lasts from June 21 to October 9. If you didn’t read my June 30 blog about Venus and Jupiter, check it out. It provides additional interpretation for this Venus Retrograde. In it, I promised to write about how each of the signs is impacted.
The delineations that follow are based on the sector of the chart (called a “house”) where Leo is located from the perspective of the sign mentioned. You can read this information according to your “Sun sign” (the sign from the time of year you were born), but it’s probably more pertinent to your life circumstances if you read according to your “rising sign.” (You need your birth time to figure that out.) The house is listed in parentheses for those people who have their charts and know how to find Leo there. This retrograde is in the second half of Leo’s degrees (14-30). If this range spans parts of two houses in your chart, read both. You could think of this visit from Venus as signaling a time when you almost get around to dealing with the matters of the next sign (or house) but stop just short, needing to focus more on the issues at hand.
Though we’re likely to make some missteps along the path to achieving gains in the affected house(s), ultimately there will be benefits due to the fact that Venus remains in this area of the chart for over three months instead of the usual four weeks or so. When a sign of strong will power and stubborn persistence like Leo dominates, we hang in there until we get our heart’s desires.
Venus Retrograde in LEO for the Twelve Zodiac Signs
Aries (5th House) Spend extra time or money on entertainment, creative activities or children (your own, others’ or maybe your “inner child”). This is an appropriate time to complete unfinished hobby projects. You may be especially flirty and not so interested in a confining commitment now. The urge to gamble is amplified and with fortuitous Jupiter also elevating this area of your chart, you could be luckier than usual.
Taurus (4th House) Your home life and family (particularly your parents) command more attention now. There may be wrinkles to iron out between household members. You could be involved with decorating or renovation tasks or complete one that’s been left unattended. You desire more space at home and/or tranquility in your personal life. Perhaps an appraisal or adjustment to insurance coverage is in order.
Gemini (3rd House) Make peace with siblings or neighbors, taking time to appreciate their value or coordinate mutual assistance. Enjoy fun community events and reconnect with people who’ve been out of touch or meet new folks. Old school chums may look you up. This is a good summer for pleasure reading, creative writing, or meandering on foot, by car or cycle, or even rollerblading or skateboarding.
Cancer (2nd House) Financial concerns are at the forefront of your radar. You might need to reconcile your checking account or take stock of your stocks. Rebalancing your portfolio is an excellent undertaking now, though some research before making decisions is recommended. Possessions may require maintenance or repair. Draw abundance with an attitude of appreciation and a sense of deserving more.
Leo (1st House) Praise and notice come your way – it’s time to shine, but don’t get a big head. You’re at the top of your game, with extra energy and enthusiasm, heightened creativity and generosity. This is a great time to invest in a new wardrobe or make some kind of upgrade in your appearance, maybe returning to a more youthful look. Be careful about a sweet tooth, though, or overstepping your budget.
Virgo (12th House) Your inner world is rich now. You are very connected to your spiritual source and you feel the watchful presence of unseen guides or loved ones who have crossed over. You are happy being alone; perhaps you even prefer solitude. If you have a partner, the two of you cherish privacy and like to be off by yourselves. Clandestine affairs are a potential but karmic consequences will result.
Libra (11th House) Friends and acquaintances treat you well and your social circle increases in size and/or quality. You are admired and popular in the groups or organizations to which you belong. This is a favorable time for progress toward goals, perhaps with the assistance of affirmations or positive expectations. Income from career or business endeavors is on the rise or you’ll find a way to bump it upward.
Scorpio (10th House) Whether or not you’re happy in your chosen field, this is the time to investigate how you can use your skills and talents to best effect or with maximum gusto. Connections and networking work in your favor. Bosses – past or present – regard you well. Highlight your accomplishments and ask for a promotion, advantageous transfer or bonus. Your reputation is peaking and your dad loves what he sees.
Sagittarius (9th House) Higher education in some form is appealing and may call to you now. Or you reap rewards from past training and tutelage. Travel could be beneficial and it likely won’t be alone. In legal matters, the scales tip in your direction. You’ll be in touch with people at a distance more than usual or have visitors from afar. Spend extra time absorbing information on a broad spectrum, expanding your horizons.
Capricorn (8th House) Ordinarily, intimacy isn’t easy for you. You have your rules about sharing, whether it’s money, secrets, feelings or your body. You’re surprisingly open about these matters now or at least heading in that direction. You’re undergoing a transformation toward a more loving and lovable soul. Review and revise long-range financial plans, consider additional insurance coverage and update your will.
Aquarius (7th House) Someone other than you takes center stage in your life now. This could come in the form of a significant other, a rival or one of your siblings or children. A lesson is presented about fairness, balance or affection. Usually you approach situations from your head; you’re impelled to act from your heart instead. Of all the signs, yours is most susceptible to a re-enactment of a romantic plot.
Pisces (6th House) Anyone’s health is always a delicate balance; yours is especially so now. Strive for a peaceful mind and heart along with harmonious surroundings, especially at work. You may wish your job was more enjoyable or better utilized your creativity or leadership skills. Take time for fun and recreation, as if these were a prescription. Don’t be a pushover by being a pleaser; advocate a team strategy.
There’s good advice here for all of us. If something resonates with you that is not designated for your sign, very likely Venus is connecting to something in your chart related to the sign or house that speaks to you.