What’s up in your chart for 2023? Get the low-down.
75 minutes. (For current clients – see details below.)
After 2020 (almost a four-letter word)), 2021 (which tried to “one up” 2020) and 2022 (which didn’t improve matters much), you’ll be happy to know the planets are not quite as mean or volatile and we have a chance to make some progress. If you want to find out what 2023 may offer you and what you can do with the planetary energies on your horizon, let’s take a look at what’s on your celestial horizon, both your personal updated chart and how the year’s planets will affect you, including which New and Full Moons and Eclipses will impact your life. We’ll check across the board or you can request a focus on specific topics. 75 minutes, virtual, recorded for your convenience. (This service makes an excellent holiday gift, for that person who has everything or maybe for yourself!)
[If you have not had a natal chart reading, that is a good preliminary step. Select “Discover Your True Self” OR ask Janet for an abbreviated introduction to your chart (an additional 45 minutes) to be combined with Your 2023 Forecast for an $80 fee increase.]
Contact Janet to set up your appointment and submit your birth data.
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