While most astrologers are busy talking about the “Great American Eclipse” (a total solar eclipse on August 21 visible across the heart of America), not as much attention is being paid to the Lunar Eclipse that precedes it, which is very important, too. It occurs on Monday, August 7 at 10:11 AM PDT, 2:11 PM EDT with the Moon at 15°25’ Aquarius and the Sun at 15°25’ Leo. These degrees accentuate what is called the Cardinal axis, composed of the 0 degrees of the four Cardinals signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) where the Sun is located at equinoxes and solstices. Halfway between them are the almost as powerful 15 degrees of Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) known as the “cross-quarters.” Together, this group of degrees acts as a link between all people since everyone experiences these key celestial turning points. Big events are sparked by planets traveling through the Cardinal axis.
By definition, a Lunar Eclipse is only visible at night when the Moon is above the horizon. (Although the Moon sometimes appears in the sky during the day, that never happens at its Full phase when it is opposite the Sun. When the Sun rises, the Moon sets and vice versa.) This eclipse occurs during our daylight hours and is visible half a world away from the USA.
I discussed both eclipses in the July 2017 episode of LOOKING UP entitled “Red Sky in the Morning” (as in the old weather saying, “sailors take warning”). After I filmed the show, I realized that I had made an error saying the path of visibility for the eclipse on August 21 is the same as the Lunar Eclipse the day Donald Trump was born. I took another look at the maps and found it is this eclipse on August 7 that has a path very close to Trump’s birth eclipse. (To see the two maps from NASA, click the links below and scroll down the site pages.) Visibility for both stretches from eastern Africa to western Australia, encompassing a lot of Asia, including Yemen and the Straits of Hormuz, much of Iran, all of the Indian subcontinent, part of the Philippines and much of China.
The Philippines and North Korea are only in the partial shadow of the 1946 eclipse while the Philippines are in the 2017 eclipse’s path of full visibility, which cuts right through the Korean peninsula. This is significant because as the August 7 eclipse occurs, talks are taking place in the Philippines about the nuclear threat posed by North Korea. This is typical of how eclipse paths point to hot spots.
Fortunately, this is not a mean eclipse, so hopefully the talks will be productive and bring us back from the brink of a potentially deadly confrontation. The degrees of the Sun and Moon interact in harmonious links with the USA’s Saturn (the planet related to boundaries and respect), which is in the cooperative sign of Libra. The eclipse Jupiter (the planet related to international matters) is near the USA’s Saturn. Venus (the planet of peace) at the eclipse is in Cancer close to the USA’s big-hearted Venus-Jupiter duo. All of this bodes well for finding a reasonable solution or compromise, and if that happens, it would make the President look good even though he isn’t directly involved in the talks (and interestingly, his personal birth eclipse path is not quite in the target zone).
Here is what I said about this eclipse in Janet’s Plan-its:
Some eclipses roar like a lion; this one’s a pussy cat. The good energy is liable to spread far and wide since the degree is 15º of a Fixed sign, almost as potent as 0º of a Cardinal sign. The Sun is in its glory in Leo, shining bright with Mars 4° behind it, boosting the fiery energy. The Moon is across from both in friendly Aquarius, not a mean opposition though there could be a hint of competition between intellect (Air sign Aquarius) and intuition (Fire sign Leo). The North Node in Leo and South Node in Aquarius point to lovers and playmates (Leo) or friends and associates (Aquarius) as key people in our lives now. All relationships, in fact, should benefit from Jupiter in Libra trine the Moon and sextile the Sun. The Moon and Sun are in a Finger of God with Neptune and Pluto, which are widely sextile (the aspect won’t be exact until 2026). The Sun is at the apex of this triangle and the Moon is at the “release point.” Spiritual matters and healing activities are enhanced, though there might be an odd twist along the path. The Moon is in a Quintile Triangle with Aquarius’ ruling planet, Uranus, and Libra’s ruling planet, Venus. This magnifies the potential for fortunate social interactions, including with relatives, thanks to the location of Venus in Cancer, the sign of families. Another QT adds to the positive energy in the atmosphere. Pluto, Chiron and the North Node blend their power to assist us to put hurt behind us and focus on moving ahead toward more joy.
On a personal level, you can use this important eclipse to broaden your social circles and consolidate your network of contacts to serve your creative goals.
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