My writing group had an assignment to write a “2020 wrap-up in five sentences” and this is what came through me. I sent it to my newsletter list and now, considering the positive response and recent events, I thought I would post it here.
Like Eris, it started off small and grew and grew, seeding chaos as it went.
Like Pluto, it plowed through everything in its path, turning over the very ground, tilling, burying what was on top underneath, raising up what was below, a fertile reversal.
Like Neptune, it drowned us in tears until we were washed clean, purified, and could face our fears.
Like Saturn, it demanded we finish our business of seeing what reality really is and paying – on time – the price for the lesson.
Like Jupiter, its principles became crystal clear, the higher way there for all who have vision to see, and by following its guiding light, break free into the re-imagined future.
Janet Booth
December 20, 2020
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