Solar Eclipse New Moon, 2:21 PM EDT, 19 degrees Aries
Today’s Rating: 3 P MR Today’s Message:
Seek a new direction or fully commit to a path you’ve already chosen. Dig deep into yourself to draw up strength and connect with the power of your thoughts and voice. You have the creative means and willpower to solve a problem or surmount an obstacle on your own.
Days are rated 1 – 5 (1 = most challenging; 5 = easiest)
MR = Mercury Retrograde
P is a more powerful version of the rating number.
3 P is a powerful day but by no means easy or perfect.
The message may indicate a better (or worse) portion of the day.
If there is no mention of a time frame, it is likely the easy
and difficult factors alternate and no portion of the day is worry-free.