These tables display Janet’s Daily Plan-its day ratings for each month. Days are rated on a scale 1 – 5, with 5 being the easiest, smoothest planetary energy down to 1 being the most difficult or challenging. An occasional P indicates that day is a more potent or powerful version of its day rating (multiple important planetary happenings are occurring).
Feel free to print these tables and use them to your advantage. Or you can write the ratings on whatever calendar you use. Realize that portions of many days have a condition called Moon Void of Course, a time of energy fizzling out when it’s best not to begin new activities or make major purchases or decisions. When choosing your times to take action, be aware of this! The time when a Void begins is listed in most astrological calendars. The Void ends when the Moon changes into the next sign. You can also find lists of the Moon’s Void times online. A good source is CafeAstrology’s Timing with the Moon page (the Moon Void info is way down at the bottom of the page, after some great explanations).
2024 Day Ratings Month By Month
These are offered freely. However, if you are so moved, you can make a donation to show your appreciation (see the button in the footer below).